And then he was 11

Dear Little Prince,


I have to say, this one is hitting different.  I know last year was the first year of double digits but that seemed normal, natural, the progression of things as they are – were – supposed to be.  This, though?  Eleven?  How is that possible? 

The Queen has mentioned a phrase recently:  “The days are long but the years are fast.”  And that sums this past year up very nicely. 

What a year, eh?

You started training with a new club team.  You started learning how to play the guitar.  You continue to impress with your maps and creativity and artistic endeavors.  You completed another backpacking trip.  You learned some stuff.  You are always learning things.  Asking questions.  Watching.  Asking questions.  Observing.  Asking questions, questions, questions. 

You’ve always been inquisitive.  This past year seemed to kick that into overdrive though. 

I apologize – as each of these letters to you seem to contain in one form or another an apology from me – for the times I don’t have the patience to gracefully meet your inquisitive nature.  The Queen and I must be doing something right.  By all accounts you are thriving. 

And the year ahead?  I’m sure you will continue to thrive.

I’m excited to see what you learn, to watch you score goals, to hear the songs you learn on the guitar, to all the things, all the adventures that await.  And there will be adventures aplenty. 

That’s what we do.  That’s who we are.   That’s who you are becoming.

And, as mind boggling as it that you are now eleven, I am thoroughly enjoying the show.  It’s a pleasure to be your dad, to help you on this adventure of life.  I can’t wait to see what you do next.

Love you, Kiddo.

Love, Dad/Matticus/The Jester